Criminal Defense Expert Services

John Corcoran Private Investigator knows criminal defense strategies can be crucial in establishing the facts surrounding a criminal case and stands ready to help discover the proof needed to win these cases.

Substantiating casework is crucial. Working closely with attorneys involved, requires understanding legal defense plans and supporting effective legal case-making substantiation. This direct participation in process can often make the difference between winning and losing a case.

John Corcoran Private Investigator has worked with some of the most respected law firms in North Carolina and South Carolina, deploying the necessary investigative tools, preparing the evidence, documents and testimony as an always reliable, well prepared, professional, disciplined, highest standards testimony expert.

John Corcoran Private Investigator provides only the highest quality investigative services coupled with the criminal defense expertise that often results with an unmatched success rate. This solid investigator’s findings and objective courtroom testimony and documentation has the criminal defense credibility needed in court.

John Corcoran Private Investigator in a criminal defense challenge, provides proof and expert testimony that can make winning essential.